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During her long marriage, Brenda Frank, 82, says she paid “absolutely no attention” to family finances. The former real estate agent left all the details to her husband, even in the years after he retired, when she was still working. So when he asked for a divorce, 12 days before their 56th anniversary, she was unprepared for what came next: a settlement process that, she says, left her with much less than she thought was fair.
The birth of your first child is a wonderful time to start thinking about or reviewing your financial plan. Often, a new child will spark conversations about wills, savings, retirement, education, and household budgets. This checklist can help you understand some of the most important steps to take.
When aviation executive Richard J. “Jet” Vertz turned 65, he retired because, he says, that’s what people in his industry did. He had no plans for the first day he woke up no longer employed—or for the weeks and months after that.
While it’s not something people like to think about, naming beneficiaries for your assets is critical to ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of when you are gone. Watch to learn about the types of assets that should have named beneficiaries, as well as how often you should review your designations.
This webinar recording is a comprehensive discussion around planning for retirement. We discuss Social Security benefits, healthcare planning with Medicare, creating income in retirement, and asset allocation strategies.
After you retire, you’ll probably focus more on your health than ever before.
When Dana Gibson was feted at her 80th birthday party, several people attested to how she operates more like a 60-year-old than an 80-year-old. She travels extensively—though her exploring the wilds of Guatemala may have slowed down—attends Broadway plays and cultural events, plays tennis several times a week, hikes, volunteers at a church, is as active as many millennials, and looks 20 years younger than her age.
A dramatic change has taken place in the way retirement is funded in America. Until recently, many workers relied on corporate pensions for a significant percentage of their post-career income.
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