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Conventional wisdom says that what goes up must come down. But even if you view market volatility as a normal occurrence, it can be tough to handle when it’s your money at stake.
In times of crisis, you don’t want to be shaking pennies out of a piggy bank. Having a financial safety net in place can ensure that you’re protected when a financial emergency arises. One way to accomplish this is by setting up a cash reserve, a pool of readily available funds that can help you meet emergency or highly urgent short-term needs.
In this installment of Client Conversations, we explore the unique benefits of nonqualified defined contribution plans, look at options for covering healthcare costs in early retirement, and provide some insights on surging home prices and the drivers behind them.
We’ve been hearing a lot about inflation lately, but what’s all the hype about? Some of it is practical. Restarting the global economy after the COVID-19 shutdown has not come without a few hiccups that have dramatically affected the prices of some goods and services—food, energy, automobiles, and transportation services to name just a few.
If movie review website Rotten Tomatoes’s readers are to be believed, the last decade was a golden age for moviemaking. In fact, 59 of the films in the website’s Top 100 Movies of All Time list were released during the 2010s.
Some investment objectives exist far over the horizon. Planning and investing for extremely long-term goals, such as multigenerational wealth planning for children, grandchildren, or philanthropic goals, often requires a different set of strategies, habits, and tools than those used for nearer-term goals. The greatest difference is not necessarily the types of investment strategies or vehicles employed. Rather, it lies in the mindset of the investor.
As an advisor to your employer’s retirement plan, CAPTRUST is able to offer you a number of resources to help you make decisions about saving and investing for your future. Learn more about what’s available to help you plan your retirement and manage your finances, including one-on-one personalized advice, articles, webinars, videos, and more.
Of course, any information pertaining to taxes is complex, full of exceptions, and subject to change. This discussion deals with the general rules for taxation of annuities–you should consult a tax advisor for more specific information before you take any action.
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